News From Asia

Monday, June 2, 2014

Farmer Dies After Drinking a Bottle of DDT to Prove Whether it was Fake or Not

Police trying to help the farmer
According to various reports, the farmer went to a shop wich sells agricultural fertilizers and other agricultural supplies. The owner of the shop said, the farmer went to the shop and asked for five DDTs, but when presented to him, he didn't believe that they were genuine ones, he told the shop owner that they were fake. The shop owner disagreed and they continued arguing. After a while, to prove that they were fake, the farmer decided to open one bottle of DDT(Dichlorordiphenyltrichloroethane which is a colorless, tasteless, and almost odorless insecticide) just to show the shop owner that it is fake and he is 100 percent sure. Bad thing is that, it was not fake, and something happened, he died.
Let us be careful, no matter what happens, you can't use your own body to test whether some poison is genuine or not.



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